Wardrobe changes! Couldn’t stress enough on the amount of wardrobe changes I could fit into a two minute video. I actually wanted one more however we were running low on time and couldn’t make it. However, “I’m happy” with what we have especially with the black pants and white wife beater looking shirt top look. It’s funny because on set I was opposed to the style but most of the crew was all for it. When we got to post it hit me: the look worked so well on screen with the backdrop. For some reason I did not see it in production. This is a great example of how important it is to trust and listen your crew. It’s the people you surround yourself with that make a great product, so choose your team wisely.

We filmed at the art factory in Paterson, New Jersey. From small little brick hallways to large warehouse spaces, this location was massive! We only shot about eight percent of what else was there. No Joke. This place was unreal with an atmospheric beauty I have never seen at any other location. Given our day was pretty long we only have x amount of time so we did our best to capture the best angles (however you know if I could, I would be shooting more).

It’s always been a challenge to tell a meaningful story in a matter of two to three minutes, especially when you’re trying to build a character and hopefully win the hearts of your audience.  Although editing plays a crucial role in creating a masterpiece I believe before goals, before the inciting incident, turning point, hook, etc we got to start and focus on the main character. Who is your character? Who are his parents? What car does he drive? What music does he listen to? What is his vice? His virtues? The more human you make the main character, the more audience will invest their time and emotions, and sympathize with the character. You can say this video is my second attempt to convey this idea.

Originally we planned to shoot everything locked-off for the exception of the flashbacks. My brilliant DP Nikita showed me a test shot on the loading dock location (hand head wide angle walk in) and I completely fell in love with shot. To compensate this change, I decided last minute to shoot the Mustang flashback on tripod. Not only did this have a nice contrast to the to hand-held performance scene but it opened the video with a smooth pan introducing the love interest, relaxing the audience like still waters. Then the storm hit with the drug lord and we went into hand held. It was a domino effect of greatness. Two heads are indeed better than one. Humility and having an open mind are essential to having success in big or small productions (and in life as well).

From the backup dancers, to our amazing art director and PA’s, I honestly couldn’t ask for more. This is the best crew to this date. Thank you for your dedication and for fighting for great art.
